Friday, March 26, 2010

Limited Internet Access until Paris

Well here we are deep in the Loire and meeting up with people from last year. Due to having limited access until being back in Paris this Saturday, our posts will have to wait.
Having some great experiences which we will share by Sunday.
Keep tuned.


  1. Just to let you know that we're following your blogs:)

  2. No rush mates! We'll just have to wait until you have some time to let us know what is going on. Whatever happens, just have fun, eat well and be happy!

  3. It was great seeing you both, and meeting Carol and Mike! Bonne continuation!

  4. Hello fellow Melbourne bloggers! I stumbled here through WCS' blog, and I must say you're making me wish I was in Paris again!

  5. Evol,
    We must organise you a T-shirt as well.
    Can I find you on a blog?
    Hope you can enjoy our journey over the next two weeks in Paris and then join us back home in Melbourne.


Love to get feedback so no reason to be shy - have your say.