Had a call from our local guys that own French VeloSolex motorised bicycles. They invited me to a pint of Guinness at the Pig & Whistle in East Trentham not far from home - about a 12 km return ride. Last time we did this ride, a herd of sheep were being shepherd down the road and guess what??? Ground Hog Day.
The difference was that two of us rode our human powered bikes and after a Pint at the PIG, the Guinness was making its presence felt. Plus when I arrived home, Sue had the "Champagne Friday" bottle started.
Moving on from Friday, I awoke Saturday morning, just a little shabby to another year on - I entered up my 67th year. I don't mind getting older as the alternative doesn't offer much future - I just wish time travelled more slowly as I'm having too much fun.
An impromptu visit from local friends Shane and Robyn Bartley with gifts and this great fold out card from Vietnam.
Shane can be quite earthy in his comments and humour but I've known him since we were teenagers. |
So Saturday morning we decided to drive off to the Woodend market. This region enjoys many weekend markets within a distance of no more that 30 to 50 kms drive away. Today's market was at Woodend only 22 kms down the track. Others include the markets at Kyneton, Lancefield, Daylesford, Castlemaine and Maldon. Today's basket contained mushrooms, rhubarb, Harcourt apples, pumpkin, and hot smoked trout and salmon. Burnie was back with his new season local potatoes which reminds me that Trentham's Spudfest is back next month.
Sue loves markets - my job is to carry the purchases - le Mule and le banque. |
We will be building a raise garden bed soon with Veggies and Herbs. |
I might just leave this caption alone!!! |
She's spending my pension for the month again - never mind, she's a pensioner next month as well. |
Now Bernie is a favourite of ours especially when his new season spuds are at the markets.
He's one of those forever been locals with a great smile when you see him. |
That's Bernie behind the tressle table - I don't think I've ever seen him in any other clothes. |
After the market and lunch, we took off to the local nursery at the little town of Tyldan. Not sure if it qualifies as a town as it has no Pub. Strange as it might seem, the Pig and Whistle is a pub without a town. Hmmm, go figure!!!!
We are planting Lavender along the side fence - do you like our fence, rather rustic isn't it. It came with the block when we bought it and thought we would retain it. |
These two maples will be planted near a timber deck I hope to build soon. In autumn we should get some really vibrant colours. |
Tomorrow I hope to plant all the plants we purchased - heaps of French Lavender, some alyssum for the front and two leafy Japanese maples for the side area. I'll need to get this done before family arrive to help me enter my 67th year.