It's been a very interesting November. We had aspirations of moving our belongings into the new home by now but certain tradies have let our builder (and us) down. I'd have to say we lost two weeks or more due to the stupidy of the Plumbers. They must rank on the high scale of dumbness that you could expect. They installed the mixer over the vanity basins and so the actual tap would have emptied water over the bench top. Doh!!!!
So then the Plasterer, Tiler and Painter had to return to fix the damage he left behind.
To add insult to injury, the full length vanity mirror due to a small wave in the tiling would not fit.
Our splash backs were damaged in transit we were told and so they needed to be remade, still yet to be installed.
Should our final walk thru be as re-scheduled on this Tuesday afternoon, there maybe between one to two weeks before handover which will make it December 20 - ouch!!!! Not a good time to move pre-Xmas but I guess we just have to live with it.
Having had our little grumble, the whole building experience has not been as traumatic as some of the tales we have heard. Ours is basically a time issue as our building supervisor has actually been very good despite having to deal with all the various Tradies.
All the floor coverings are now installed - this is our entrance hall looking to the front door. The first opening to the right is the study/library. The second opening is a sort of foyer to our bedroom, and ensuite. |
Study/Library: Not sure where the desk goes as yet or the bookshelves - all part of the fun. |
This is the foyer leading to the bedroom, ensuite and dressing room. That piece of green on the floor is the large vanity mirror that didn't fit. |
Our bedroom window looks out to the hedged conifers giving us complete privacy. |
The walk-in robe - dressing room was only carpeted last week due to a hitch with someone not ordering enough. |
Finally there will be room for all of Sue's Shoes. |
Looking from the windows of the master bedroom, we can see the en-suite and to the right is the dressing room and then to the left is the shower and toilet. That little alcove was to be a bath but we turned it around and now it becomes Sue's reading nook for a 1.5 comfy seat, ottoman and reading lamp. And I have the Study. |
We are really pleased now that the flooring is down in the kitchen, dining, family areas. The pendant 3 lights illuminate the huge bench that Sue wanted. |
Now we are looking from the back wall of the family/living area towards the kitchen. To Sue, the kitchen is the lifeblood of the house where she cooks for family and friends. |
Now looking from behind the island bench to the living area with the long rectangular window. This wall will house the TV and book shelves. Note the white power point on the island bench. Sue had both power points and USB ports so the iPad and phone could be on charge close by. She uses her iPad for recipes. |
This time we look towards the dining area - it will all make sense once we move our furniture in. |
You may giggle when we say we downsized but we reduced the plan from a 4 bedroom house to a 3 bedroom by taking up the space to convert the Alfresco area to an L-Shape. This is where we will do much of our warmer months entertaining. BBQ - Pizza Oven - outdoor furniture. |
We'll let you know how it goes later in the week with the walk-thru.....Fingers crossed????