The Dining Room was the easy thing. Placing furniture in the Dining Room was always mutually decided.
The table due to its size could only go one way and the sideboard had its place on the back wall of the room. The finishing touches will happen during the week for our first official dinner party for friends who are celebrating their birthdays. We were to go out to a restaurant but we thought it would be nice to have them here with us in our newly decorated Dining Room.
Do you think we need a rug under the table - something bright? |
At the end of the weekend, I put up the blinds, hung the mirror and added a couple of prints.
I'm thinking we might make this our French room with prints brought home from our travels. |
It's the Living Room that's caused a little more robust discussion between the two of us. You may remember that we purchased two 2-seater couches - we didn't give a lot of thought of how they would be arranged in the room. They were purchased for the next house which may sound a little strange as we don't really know what that house may be as yet. It was an impulse buy, we just liked them.
Anyway, we've tried several different configurations which all have their pluses. It's just that we don't seem to agree on any one of the choices. I love this, she hates it. She likes this, I'm a bit ho-hum!!!
I'm sure we'll work it out as we give it time to live in.
I guess on the bright side is that we can always make changes depending on our mood or entertaining needs.
The room has two focal points - the fireplace and the bay window. The challenge is to give them both the attention they deserve.
My idea was to set the furniture diagonally in the rectangle of the room however it does close the room up a bit. |
Sue's idea was to push one couch to the bay window which gives the feeling of a larger room. |
It does add space and opens up the room while making the fireplace the focal point. |
The next job is add the colour to the room in the form of wall hangings and accessories. A coffee table is coming later in the week and we need a large rug to the living room.
By the way - did we tell you its winter in Melbourne. It seems that our friends in the Loire Valley are experiencing a heat wave.......Ha!...........mid 30s are commonplace in a Melbourne summer, occasionally rising to 39/40 degrees.
But then again we are complaining because we are having a cold winter with the mornings in the single figures. The top was 12 yesterday and today.
This weekend has been consistently raining so working on the inside of the house was fun however I do have to get those pickets back on the fence rails - maybe next weekend.
Wet, wet, and more wet this weekend so no outside work. |