Sunday, September 14, 2014

Buildings long gone

Well the weekend is over and with only two weeks before we fly out to Italy, I still have much work to complete with both home and place of employment. I'm still painting inside the house and cleaning up outside.
I've been a little distracted with the Blog due to all of this but there'll be lots to come once we leave Melbourne for Italy and France. With 10 weeks I'm sure we'll find something everyday to post.
I think we may just be "Living the Life" and taking in what life has to offer. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, here's some historic photos of our hometown, Mentone. All of these photos have something in common. The buildings no longer exist.
Mentone Baths
Mentone Theatre
Mentone Skating Rink
Mentone Fire Brigade
Mentone Bakery
Mentone Station signal box
Mentone Gas Company


  1. Of all the senseless pulling down of community resources, the loss of Mentone Baths was the worst. People depended on the baths to make swimming during the summer both safe and convenient.

    1. Agreed Hels - I ride my bike along Beach Road and wonder what marvelous buildings have been torn down and replaced by high density apartments.


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