Friday, November 23, 2012

Funky Friday and Cadel Evans

Don't Fridays come around quickly or maybe they don't for some, those who are retired probably don't know what day is actually is.

BUT I DO!!!! Why? You may well ask. My work week has been very busy for the last three months but I guess that says something about the Australian economy. My posts lately have been a little fragmented but as we draw closer to the Christmas break, I expect we'll find more to post.

During last week, my MacBook chucked a bit of a fizz. So Sue booked me in to the Genius Bar at the Apple shop. Having said that, the laptop decided to repair itself before the appointment. I did go and I lean't a few things about my MacBook.

I'm going back to book in how to use the Mac system better - they were excellent. iCloud, iPod, iPad, MacBook, and my iPhone - here I come.......

On the way out of the Apple shop and down the escalator I met one of my heroes - Cadel Evans. He was outside a chemist shop. With recent media coverage on the past of cyclists medication, its probably not the best place foe a cyclist to be seen.
OK, I fibbed - he was on a poster outside a chemist shop!!!

Cadel is the figurehead amongst other clean Australian athletes that have their name associated with vitamin  supplements.


  1. As far as we're concerned Fridays come round pretty quickly too :-)

  2. I have no idea what day of the week it is any more, I don't even know what time it is as I seem to forget to put my watch most days as well! When it gets dark I know it is time to go to bed!!
    Pity you did not bump into the real person it might have been interesting.
    Have a good weekend and take care Diane


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